Back Pain during Pregnancy and its Solutions

  • postauthorRaj
  • postdateMarch 6, 2023
  • postreadtime4 min read
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Did you know that back pain during pregnancy is one of the major complaints today? Yes, it is that common! But, it is also nothing to fret over. Most of the back pain during pregnancy reported today amount to make adjustments to your life and lifestyle to ease the pain. Back Pain during Pregnancy happens where the pelvis meets the spine, at the sacroiliac joint.

Reasons behind Back Pain During Pregnancy

Sit back and think about how the last few months have been for you. Have you been eating right? Have you been exercising? Have you had a lot of stress lately? It is most likely that you will find an answer to your back pain in any or all of these answers. Reassess your situation and make adjustments, so that your mental stress does not affect your physical well-being.

Apart from that, some reasons for back pain during pregnancy especially in the first-trimester pregnancy are listed below. 

  • Weight gain during Pregnancy: Women usually tend to gain a few pounds in pregnancy as they have to consume some extra calories for themselves and their baby. The spine is supposed to support that weight, putting some pressure on the back which can result in mild back pain.
  • Posture changes: Since Pregnancy shifts the centre of gravity, this can cause some random posture changes while sitting or standing usually, having posture problems can lead to back pain.
  • Hormone changes: A woman’s body produces a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy which lets ligaments relax in the pelvic area, loosening the joints. It can also loosen the ligaments that support the spine, which leads to pain.
  • Stress: Emotional stress can cause muscle tension in the back. You may experience an increase in back pain during stressful periods of your pregnancy.

Back pain during pregnancy

Ways to Deal with Back Pain during Pregnancy

  • Bed Rest Is a No-No during Back Pain: Firstly, remove the notion that completely avoiding activity can be beneficial for you. It is not. A lot of studies today are now showing that going on bed rest (without the doctor specifically recommending it) when you have back pain is only detrimental to your overall health and, in fact, is even associated with more disability. So, think twice before you try to rest it out.
  • Scans for Your Back? Maybe Not: You may not really need to immediately get a back scan done (X-rays, MRI, etc.). What you need to do instead is consult your doctor and give them a complete picture of what might have led to this. Chances are they will advise you of some form of physical therapy/activity before going for the scan.
  • Exercise the Pain Away: What with the sedentary lifestyle that is so much the norm these days, exercise seems to be a go-to solution for many a woe. Likewise, in this scenario, while an increased amount of pain may warrant a prescription of pills; it is actually a combination of pills and exercise that can help you chase the pain away. Normally, vitamin D supplements are recommended for those who have back pain along with fatigue. The supplementation gives your bones the right vitamin thereby easing your back pain. 
  • Heat and cold.  Applying heat and cold to your back may help. start by putting cold compresses (a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel) on the painful area for up to 15-20 minutes several times a day. After 2 to 3 days, switch to heat — put a heating pad or hot water bottle on the painful area. Do not apply heat to your abdomen during pregnancy.
  • Improve your posture. Slouching strains your spine. So using proper posture when working, sitting, or sleeping is a good move. For example, sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees will take the stress off your back. When sitting at a desk, place a rolled-up towel behind your back for support; rest your feet on a stack of books or stool and sit up straight, with your shoulders back. When standing, pull your hips forward and your shoulders back. You may tend to lean back to compensate for your growing belly. Wearing a support belt may also help.
  • Stretch regularly: Do some basic stretching and mobility exercises especially for your back. Taking some yoga classes might help. Yoga can help make your back more flexible and bring down stiffness. Practising yoga can overall bring down your back pain and leave you feeling refreshed! Remember that movement is the breath of your muscle and joints. The less you move around, the sorer and creakier they get. So, get your move on!

We hope this guide will help you overcome some of the struggles and challenges during pregnancy. If you liked it, please share this article with your friends or family who are in need of this.

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