Create the Ideal Home Office With These 4 Simple Steps

  • postauthorRaj
  • postdateFebruary 1, 2024
  • postreadtime4 min read
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Work from home or remote working isn’t a new trend, it’s been around for a few years now. The COVID-19 pandemic though has seen a sudden adoption in the idea as people and companies are forced to reckon with the “new normal”. Now an ideal home office isn’t an exception, but the norm. 

You may have been working from home assuming you would return to office in a month or two. It’s now been 10 months, and it is likely to be at least a few more before we can return to offices. Even then, it’s not clear if things will be the same as before. 

Remote working is now here to stay. That means you need to create a home office, a permanent place at home for you to work. An ideal home office will not only give you the comfort you need, but also the privacy and space that is required to be as productive as possible. It also comes with healthcare benefits: a good posture being one of the biggest.  

We know that for some people, it just isn’t possible. You might not have room to spare. In that case, you should find a dedicated corner or space within your home.  

If you’re wondering how to get started, we have some great tips. Follow this, and you should have your own space for work. No matter how big or small your home, we are sure you will be able to create your own ideal home office space at home.  

Find An Ideal Home Office Space 

When working – especially if you are dealing with corporate finances or legal matters – privacy is of utmost importance. If you have the space, convert your spare room into a home office. A guest bedroom or even storeroom can be adequate. Using a separate room will allow you to have maximum privacy and block out noise from the rest of the house. 

If that isn’t possible, find a corner or part of the house that you can convert. When you do, invest in a divider or portable screen. This will help block any distractions around you. It also gives you some amount of privacy, if you are working on sensitive documents. Make sure this area is not used for anything else though, you don’t want your family walking through on an important call! 

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture 

If you are going to be spending the whole day sitting and working, you should consider investing in some ergonomic furniture. Such furniture is designed to support your posture and back, it comes with many healthcare benefits you should not ignore. Without appropriate furniture, you could end up with severe back or shoulder pain in a few years.  

Start with a comfortable chair. It should be adjustable and offer lumbar and pelvis support. Arm rests are also a must-have. The next step is to invest in a desk. Make sure it is the right height, and you aren’t bending too much. If possible, try to get a flexible desk that can also be used when standing.  

Equipment for the Ideal Home Office

Just because you are working digitally doesn’t mean you don’t need office equipment. Ensure your desk is large enough to support everything you need. Some jobs may require just a laptop, others a full-blown system with monitors. Talk to your HR and create a checklist of items you will need.  

A few must have home office equipment are: 

  • Extension box: You never know when you’ll have to plug an extra charger in, so have a 4/6 plug extension. 
  • Adequate chargers: make sure you have chargers for all your devices (phone included). Invest in a cable tidy as well, so that they aren’t all over the place. 
  • Headphones: If you don’t have a separate room, get a pair of good quality headphones, maybe even wireless ones. 
  • Water bottle: Always stay hydrated! Have a bottle on your desk and remember to drink.  
Ideal home office equipment


We cannot stress this enough – nothing hampers productivity more than a dimly lit space. Whether you have an entire room or a corner as your home office, make sure you sit near a window. Natural light is not only great for the eyes, but also your mental wellbeing. As much as possible, try to get natural light in. 

If that is not an option, then invest in an energy-efficient tube. You could also consider investing in a smart light like the Philips Hue. Use white light during the day, and transition to warmer colors like blue as it gets dark. Shifting the color of the light can help you fall asleep.  

These tips should help you set up a basic home office. Of course, as you work, you will realise what else you are missing. Budget accordingly, and within a few months, you’ll never have to go back to the office again! A good home office is not just great for productivity, but also your health. 

If you want more great health and wellness tips for the remote working era, be sure to bookmark this page and check in every day. If you are an HR manager, why not get employee healthcare benefits from Onsurity to boost your team’s productivity?

Not only is Onsurity a more affordable employee healthcare for MSMEs and startups option, but it also comes with great benefits like doctor teleconsultations, discounted lab tests and medicine delivery, fitness tracking and group health insurance benefits.

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