Importance of Nurturing the Mind at Work

  • postauthorOnsurity Editorial
  • postdateFebruary 1, 2024
  • postreadtime4 min read
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Nurturing the mind at work: Mental health awareness is on the rise, underscoring the importance of recognizing that an individual’s mental state encompasses more than just their emotions. It encompasses their social, emotional, and psychological well-being, which in turn influences their perception, cognition, behaviour, and ability to manage stress, respond to situations, maintain relationships, and make decisions. As a result, employee mental health has become a critical topic that should be openly discussed in the workplace to ensure overall well-being, given that the work environment plays a significant role in all these aspects.

While work can act as a protective factor for mental well-being for some individuals, it can also significantly contribute to a decline in a person’s mental state. According to the World Health Organization, over half of the global population belongs to the working class, and approximately 15% of working adults experience some form of mental disorder.

Common mental health conditions that employees face 

There are several factors which might lead to mental health conditions:

Stress: One of the primary causes of poor mental health can be workplace stress, which may arise from various factors, including pressure from management or co-workers, long working hours, tight deadlines, excessive workload, and job insecurity.

Burnout: Complete exhaustion, whether emotional, physical, or mental, can significantly impact a person’s well-being and overall functioning. Recognizing signs of exhaustion is crucial for identifying potential issues and seeking support.

Anxiety: The most common types of anxiety found in the workplace are:

General Anxiety: Employees can have general anxiety due to constant stress over incomplete tasks, due dates etc.

Social anxiety: Can be caused by interpersonal struggles like avoiding confrontation with colleagues about serious matters or general conversation and socializing with them.

Depression: Loss of motivation caused by anxiety, sadness, negative work environment, meltdowns and possibly even substance abuse.

Lack of Work-Life Balance: When work demands constant attention, it can start to interfere in one’s personal life and leisure time. The inability to disconnect from work can affect one’s mental health, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed which can impair relationships and overall well-being.

Importance of employee mental health in the workplace

Mental health issues, emotional distress, and an overload of stress, in general, can become problematic for companies due to the following reasons:

Disengaged employees:  Poor employee mental health may lead to a lack of interest in work, easy distractibility, a negative attitude towards work and the organization, and subsequently result in low productivity.

Poor communication: Mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, etc., can cause a person to become less social. These speech deficits could further impact the person’s social skills, leading to miscommunication and misunderstandings between colleagues, consequently creating a negative environment.

Poor decision-making: Constant stress and anxiety can indeed cloud a person’s mind, leading to an inability to make sound judgments and influencing their willingness to take risks.

The cause of high employee turnover rate:  A major reason why companies experience a high turnover rate is often due to a lack of communication, support, and a positive company culture. These factors can eventually take a toll on an individual’s mental state.
Decreased profits: Poor employee mental health will eventually have an impact on a company’s overall profitability and success. If employees continuously struggle with mental health issues, it will affect their productivity and efficiency. This will result in decreased profits for the company.

These are the impacts of poor mental health on work, because of these reasons it is necessary for companies to talk to their employees about mental health; which will in return create an environment where employees will feel comfortable reaching out for support and promote workplace wellness.

Benefits of prioritizing employees’ mental health at the workplace

Prioritizing employee health in the workplace brings benefits to both the individual and the organization. A positive mindset in employees will enhance productivity and focus, leading to increased efficiency. Employees with good mental health will experience higher job satisfaction, which, in turn, will lower turnover rates and create a more positive work environment.

Ideas to make the workplace better

Investing in Wellness Programs is the way to go if you start to notice signs of poor mental health in employees. These programs are designed to improve employees’ overall health. As a result, productivity levels are likely to increase due to improved physical and mental well-being.

Read:  Workplace Wellness – A list of Activities for Employee Health

In Conclusion 

Being aware of your employee’s mental health and creating a safe space for them is vital. Let Onsurity help you improve your work environment and encourage employee well-being. We provide benefits such as health check-ups with amazing discounts, doorstep medicine delivery, fitness tracking, teleconsultations, and much more. Explore our plans and take the more convenient route to provide your employees with the best health benefits.

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