What is The Palette?

Think HRs talking AI, CEOs talking Culture. That’s The Palette!
A blend of colours, all contributing to paint the bigger picture
of today’s workplaces and what makes them unique.

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People NEXT

Digital Enablement in Employee Engagement

Digital Enablement in Employee Engagement

Building an impactful hybrid workplace culture...
Building a Purpose-Value-Driven Organisation

Building a Purpose-Value-Driven Organisation

Why do they matter more than ever?...
From Tech-Enabled to Tech-Infused

From Tech-Enabled to Tech-Infused

The evolution of organisational culture in the digital age...

Culture NEXT

A Journey from Hierarchy to Autonomy

A Journey from Hierarchy to Autonomy

Empowering teams and encouraging ownership...
Cultivating a Culture of Business Innovation

Cultivating a Culture of Business Innovation

HR’s role in driving change...


Embracing a Tech-Infused Culture

Embracing a Tech-Infused Culture

Navigating the Intersection of Innovation and Workplace Dyna...