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The COVID-19 pandemic has increased awareness of the importance of maintaining our body’s immunity and health benefits of the same. When Corona Virus infects a person, it enters through his nose or mouth, settling in the lining of the nose. In this initial phase, the virus multiplies quickly, infecting more cells. The infected person starts spewing large amounts of the virus. They may show symptoms like dry cough, fever, sore throat, body aches, or be asymptomatic. This is where the individual’s immune system starts playing an important role. If the immune system does not push out the virus in the initial stages, it will spread to the lungs. Here it then puts the person at the risk of death. Here we are going to talk about a few ways to boost your immunity with home hacks and AYUSH principles.
Along with the regular health and wellness hacks – it is important to keep your immune system in check. There have been many developments in the world of medical science that have given us home remedies, supplements, etc. to boost our immunity. In the wake of COVID, The Ministry of AYUSH has released a vital directive to educate people on the use of certified supplements.
5 medical store AYUSH supplements and their health benefits
Health benefits of Arsenicum Album 30
Putting 4 pills under the tongue daily on an empty stomach for 3 days would help boost your immune system. There is no age limit for the consumption of this pill. Infants can have this pill once every month but in a dissolved state in sterilized water.
Samshamani Vati
Administer 500 mg. of this medicine twice a day with warm water for 15 days. The medicine contains aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia, which includes the properties of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions.
Health benefits of Agasthya Hareetaki
This medicine helps in healing cough, Asthma, common cold, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis etc. For the best use of this medicine, 1-2 tablespoons can be had, before or after food, and only once in a day.
Nilavembu Kudineer/Kaba Sura Kudineer
It is a well known Siddha medicine that includes 15 herbal ingredients that help in keeping the body safe from bacteria and infections. The medicine is best known for its properties against respiratory diseases and inflammations.
For those with limited access to the above options and others under AYUSH, the following are a few ways to boost their immunity:
Vitamins and their health benefits
Vitamin C is one of the best immunity boosters. Most of us grew up hearing the same from our parents and grandparents. Foods like oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, bell pepper, spinach, etc are rich in Vitamin C. Keeping your body up-to-date with its Vitamin C content is vital as the body does not produce or store in on its own.
Vitamin B6 is important to support biochemical reactions in the immune system. Add foods like chicken, cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, etc.), green vegetables, chickpeas to your daily diet.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection. Foods like seeds, nuts, and spinach are rich in Vitamin E and easily available at your nearest grocery store.
Get Plenty of good Sleep and Exercise daily
Sleep is important for you as it gives your body a time to heal and regenerate, helping your immune system to become healthy. Regular exercise decreases the risk of developing chronic diseases along with viral and bacterial infections, too.
Quit or Reduce Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
Drinking high amounts of alcohol is linked with a range of bad health effects, involving lowered immune function. Consumption of high amount of alcohol or cigarettes makes your body too busy with detoxifying your system which hinders the immune system.
Attitude is Everything
A positive mindset is vital for health and well-being. Research (link) shows that positive thoughts reduce stress and inflammation and increase resilience to infection- while negative emotions can make you susceptible to anything from gastric problems to common cold and flu.
As of today, a healthy system is our only fight against the Covid-19. Even though the usefulness of supplements is not fully confirmed nor completely denied – having a healthy mind and body is the key to winning this fight. So, make sure to Stay Safe and Healthy.
(N.B. The approach mentioned in the article is not a substitute for medical treatment under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in any system of medicine.)
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