Employee Health Scheme Benefits 101 in the Wake of COVID-19 

  • postauthorTripti Rai Tripti
  • postdateMarch 3, 2023
  • postreadtime4 min read
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The COVID-19 crisis has brought a change in employee health benefits. The businesses that once offered only group health insurance in name of Employee Health Scheme benefits have not started diving into the multi-faceted nature of employee benefits.  

COVID-19 led digital healthcare innovations like metal wellness programs, doctors teleconsultations etc. Have become a norm among employees working both from office and home.  

All of these changed requirements have brought along a revised definition of what an employee healthcare benefit program should contain.  

In this article, we are going to look into the ways employee health scheme benefits have changed.  

The New Must-Have List for Employee Based Health Insurance and Benefits

employee health benefits

Access to better mental health support 

Your healthcare plan should provide the team with access to counsellors and therapists for better mental health support. Even conducting wellness programs on mindfulness and meditation may help employees remain calm and become more resilient. 

Employee health and fitness tracking 

Ensure that all your employees are healthy and fit by regularly monitoring their health and fitness and conducting regular checkups. When you build your employee health scheme under group health benefits features like this can be of immense help.  

A good team of doctors and online consultations 

Having an experienced team of doctors on board to provide immediate teleconsultations to your employees is slowly becoming a must-have in the healthcare plans – especially when employers think of employee health and safety during COVID-19. 

Option to add family 

A healthcare plan whose benefits can be extended to the family members is an additional advantage every business should consider adopting. Giving your employees the option to add their parents, children, or spouse to their existing plan can help them feel less worried and more secure about their family. 

Group health insurance plan 

A group health insurance plan is an insurance plan that covers the health expenses of the employees. It provides coverage for essential health and medical expenses as well as cover charges for hospitalizations and surgeries.  

Many companies opt for group insurance plans as they are cheaper than individual employee health insurance plans and provide a broader range of healthcare benefits. 

Why Has it Become All the More Important for Companies to Provide Employee Health Scheme Benefits to Their Workforce? 

employee health benefits

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we now know that the importance of employee benefits have become all the more prominent. Some of the various reasons companies should provide employee health scheme benefits are: 

Healthy employees equals a productive workforce  

Employees who are fit and active require fewer leaves and are focused on achieving business goals. They don’t just take lesser leaves but are more physically and mentally prepared for greater challenges.  

Health benefits outweigh salaries 

Companies generally attract employees with competitive salaries. However, several reports have started suggesting that a majority of employees were ready to take jobs with lower salaries but better benefits. Hence, businesses that carries high importance of employee satisfaction finds it easier to recruit staff. 

Helps in the retention of employees 

Providing healthcare benefits to employees will increase their loyalty to your company. Thus, it will help you retain them for a longer period. Traditionally, employer based health insurance has been seen as one of the best ways to attract employees and keep them working in-house. The post-COVID era will have something similar to share. 

So here were the main reasons to offer employee benefits that reinstates its value on an employment landscape. But how can startups get started with the providing healthcare benefits to the employees? Let’s find out. 

How Can a Startup or SME Get Started With Employee Health Benefits?

Post COVID, a startup or SME will no longer be able to ignoring their employee’s healthcare and well-being. The best way to get started is by selecting an employee health scheme that covers all aspects of group health benefits, right from preventive care and wellness benefits to teleconsultations, medicine delivery, and insurance coverage. 

That way, they will be able to ensure that all your employees put their health first and work without worrying about worrying about the payment of hefty medical expenses. Onsurity TeamSure is one such program that makes employee healthcare management easy and affordable. 

Onsurity’s TeamSure Program provides a comprehensive package that includes life and health insurance and regular checkups, teleconsultations, discounted medicine delivery, etc. You can subscribe to Onsurity healthcare plans starting at Rs 145/month from here in just 2 min or you can reach us directly at partners@onsurity.com if you have any questions. 

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