The Importance of Routine Sleep Explained with 6 Reasons

  • postauthorEditorial Staff
  • postdateFebruary 1, 2024
  • postreadtime4 min read
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The importance of routine sleep cannot be ignored. America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults create a sleep routine with seven hours of sleep every night. With the added stress of working from home, balancing family demands and isolation due to COVID-19, that number is a dream for many. A study by Bengaluru-based Wakefit. co-found that 67% of Indians are now sleeping later. 

Did you know that 40% of accidents on the Agra-Lucknow highway can be attributed to sleep-deprived drivers? There’s another major reason the importance of routine sleep matters, and it has to do with work. A 2016 study found that America suffers $411 billion per year in economic losses due to lack of sleep. Who knew that you could help your company by just sleeping? 

The Importance of Routine Sleep 

If you ignore the importance of routine sleep, it can have major consequences for your health. Without the required seven hours of sleep, you will find yourself fatigued and exhausted all the time. Lower energy levels can impair your judgment and decision-making skills. Feeling exhausted also means you tend to prefer sitting in one place, rather than moving around. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to further issues like diabetes, strokes, and obesity.  

There are six other key reasons to get a good night’s rest: 

  • Improved Immunity: Research has found that poor sleep can affect the immune system. That means you are more exposed to infections like COVID-19. Not only is it easier to catch diseases but recovering is hard too. Create an effective sleep routine now. Your body will thank you later. 
  • Better Muscle Recovery: When you sleep, your body releases a hormone to repair and restore any muscular damage. This is not just for fitness enthusiasts; everyone suffers from muscular wear and tear through their daily routines. However, if you have any sort of exercise routine, this is vital. Good sleep can help you get stronger, faster and increase your muscle mass. 
  • Avoid Mood Swings: Sleep deprivation tends to lead to negative emotions like anger, irritability, frustration and sadness. If left unchecked, it can turn into bigger issues like anxiety and depression. If you want to be a positive person, try sleeping better and longer. 
  • Improved Memory: According to the US Department of Health & Human Services, “sleeping helps strengthen memories you’ve formed throughout the day. It also helps to link new memories to earlier ones.” If you find yourself frequently forgetting things, your sleep routine could be the guilty party.  
  • Better Skin and Hair Quality: When you sleep, your body releases a growth hormone needed for the skin to produce collagen. Collagen is responsible for good skin, shiny hair and healthy nails. Rather than rely on dozens of creams and ointments, all you need is a good night’s rest to take care of dark circles, eye bags and acne.  

Factors Affecting Sleep 

So, you have decided to create a proper sleep routine. That’s great! The first step is to identify the factors that affect your ability to sleep soundly. Here are 5 of the biggest factors that can harm your ability to sleep peacefully: 

Importance of routine sleep

How to Sleep Better 

If you have identified those factors, you are just a few steps away from creating a quality sleep routine. As you might have guessed, it’s not enough to just lie in bed. Here are a few things you can try to help you sleep better: 

  • Exercise and Diet: An active lifestyle will help you feel tired, making it easier to fall asleep at night. You also need to eat healthily. A diet rich in whole foods and protein along with plenty of veggies helps nourish your body. It also helps cut out on issues like acid reflux, stomach pain and nausea, which can affect sleep quality. 
  • Cut Screen Time: As much as we all love social media and Netflix, it’s time to cut screen time. Stop using any digital devices at least 30 minutes before you plan to sleep. That helps your body adjust, leading to better quality sleep. 
  • Turn off Lights: Any source of light, no matter how small, can tell your brain it is time to wake up. If you really want to sleep soundly, ensure that there are no lights in the room. The darker the room, the better you sleep. 
  • A Hot Shower: Taking a hot bath 90 minutes before bed can help relax the body and raise its core temperature. That helps the body release melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Now you know why you feel so sleepy in the summer! 
  • Pre-Sleep Supplements: If all else fails, turn to supplements to improve your sleep routine. Substances like chamomile tea and warm milk are great options. If falling asleep is hard, consult a doctor about taking melatonin supplements.  

We hope this helps! Understanding the importance of routine sleep can go a long way in improving your mental and physical health. Follow Onsurity on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for more great health and wellness tips. We care about ensuring you are as healthy as possible! 

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