This Day of the Elderly, give your parents and grandparents the care they deserve

  • postauthorRaj
  • postdateJanuary 30, 2024
  • postreadtime4 min read
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From telling us stories, to cooking delicious food and spoiling us with treats, senior citizens are a crucial part of our lives. Which is why October 1st is celebrated as the International Day for the Elderly. There’s no way to thank these wonderful elders for all that they have done, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try! 

Thanks to the pandemic, we have a great opportunity to do something special for them. Whether you are at home, or living away, we’ve got some great ideas for you. Our tips cover everyone from your parents, grandparents, to extended family and even neighbors. So go ahead, do something special for a senior citizen in your life today. 

Be a Part of Their Day 

It’s true we are all extremely busy, but it is important to take time out for your loved ones. If you are at home, why not arrange a games session every evening? A game of carrom, cards or chess is always good fun, and it’s something your senior citizens will probably already know how to play. You can also turn back the clock and have a storytelling session with them. Wherever possible, try to eat with them as well.  

If you aren’t at home, you can still connect with them digitally. Make sure they have everything they need. If they don’t, try ordering groceries and other essentials for them. You can also teach them how to use YouTube, Netflix and to read e-books. Give them the gift of entertainment if you can’t be with them. 

Senior Citizens Mental Health Matters

Just like us, the elderly in society can also suffer from mental health issues. Thanks to the pandemic, they are unable to go outdoors. They are also cut off from their friends and family. The link between isolation and mental health is well documented. It is therefore important that you help all senior citizens feel connected. 

If you don’t live with them, give them a call every day and tell them about your day. It is also important you listen to what they have to say. Sometimes all people need is an ear. It is also important to keep them engaged, so that they do not feel bored. Make sure they have some hobbies and activities to do daily.  

Physical Health Matters Too 

You must have heard the saying – health is wealth. It is very important that you look after the health of senior citizens, especially when they cannot go visit the doctor. It’s very likely they are already on some medication, so be sure to ensure that they never run out of stock.  

If they do, use online platforms to order medication so that they never have to put themselves at risk. If they need to consult a doctor, help them get on a teleconsultation. It is also essential that you ensure they get some physical exercise. If you are at home, do some yoga or home-based exercises with them daily. If you aren’t, you can still try doing so over video calls.  

Senior Citizens Healthcare

It is very likely the senior citizens you know and your parents already have insurance. If you have time, sit down with them to understand their healthcare plan and see if you can get a better one for them. If you already have a comprehensive healthcare plan with health insurance, chances are you can add them to that.  

Before you do however, here are a few key things you need to know: 

  • Entry Age: You need to get your parents on your insurance plan as early as possible, it also helps you avail tax benefits. This also helps with the waiting period many insurances have in their terms & conditions (t&c). 
  • Coverage Conditions: Not all insurance plans cover all illnesses/diseases. So double-check to see what their existing plan covers. Also, check the waiting period for pre-existing diseases. It will affect your claims.  
  • Sum Insured: Ensure that the sum insured is adequate. You don’t want to be caught short and have to pay for medical expenses from your pocket. With age, it is always wiser to choose a higher sum insured so that it covers a wide range of expenses.  
  • Get A Health Check-up: Routine health checkups help evaluate the medical condition of a senior citizen. It will help you make an informed decision on what policy to take, and the sum insured.  

It is very important to protect senior citizens, especially during this time. Even small gestures go a long way. If you want to do something big, why not add them to your group healthcare plan? You get all the benefits of an insurance plan with health facilities.


engaging the senior citizens around you

If you aren’t part of a group healthcare plan, why not check out Onsurity’s group healthcare plans. Just like Netflix, our monthly subscription model is affordable and easy to use. Head to our website to find out more.  

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