8 Things to Check Before You Finalize Workplace Health and Wellness Plan 

  • postauthorEditorial Staff
  • postdateMarch 2, 2023
  • postreadtime4 min read
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Companies are starting to wake up to the fact that workplace health and wellness plans are vital. They reduce absenteeism, lower healthcare costs, increase the well-being of employees, and help foster a positive work environment. However, not all plans turn out to be successful.  

Every organization is different and has its own set of challenges, health and wellness goals and objectives which is why they should consider the important things before they get a workplace health and wellness plan 

Workplace Health and Wellness Plan

Here are 8 Most Important Things to Check Before Finalizing Workplace Health and Wellness Plan 

Health Risk Assessment 

An indispensable element of a health plan is risk assessment. Risk assessment will help you create a personalized workplace health and wellness plan for your organization. It will also reduce healthcare costs in the long term as yearly checkups can identify conditions and diseases before they develop. When you are finalizing the plan, make sure that you have this element in it.  


Most companies establish a budget before designing a plan. However, the plan’s final version might end up with too many things and extend the budget. You might spend more than what you signed up for. It is crucial to figure out the cost of the final plan, and whether it will provide the benefits you are hoping for.  

Incentive-Based Programs 

Companies have been using financial incentives to motivate employees to get healthier, but these programs seldom work. People behave irrationally and give in to short-term behavior that makes them feel good. However, these behaviors can be detrimental to their health in the long term. For example, overconsumption of sugar leads to several problems.  

A widespread deleterious habit is smoking. Quitting it is as hard as drugs. Some reports even say that nicotine is more complicated to quit than heroin. You can’t pay people to get them to quit. You need to give them support, counseling and help them with treatment. If you want a long-term lifestyle change in individuals, you have to employ long-term solutions.  

Everyone Matters 

A workplace health and wellness plan designed to be beneficial to most people is not good enough — every life matters. You have to accommodate as many people as you can in your plan.  Will the plan help them get better mentally, physically, and spiritually? Talk to your people, take their considerations into account when you are finalizing the plan and make sure that the plan has enough wellness activities for employees for better health. 

The Dangers of Doing Too Much

The programs, campaigns, and events should be coherent and coordinated. There is no point in hiring too many vendors to address the various issues that individuals face. This can result in a disorganized plan where the function of vendors overlaps. Employees might get confused due to this. You might do more harm than good with this approach. If you have included too many things in your program, eliminate the excess. Keep programs that complement each other.  

Comprehensive Healthcare Plan

Workplace health and wellness plan should not be one-dimensional. They should look towards the holistic wellness of employees. One misconception companies have about wellness plans is that a string of events constitutes a plan. Events that are not integrated with the plan will have little to no effect on employees’ health. They should be about complimenting the plan. 

A plan should include health assessments, short and long-term campaigns, and events with multiple healthcare benefits like Onsurity’s Healthcare Membership does. It offers not only group health insurance for team members but also doctor teleconsultations, discounted health checkups and medicine orders delivered at doorstep and fitness webinars, making it both a mental and physical healthcare and wellness plan.  

You can contact us and subscribe to Onsurity Healthcare Plan, today to ensure your team members safety and boost their morale.  

Mental Health

Your workplace health and wellness plan needs to have mental health programs and emotional wellness plan in place. You want your workforce to be mentally, physically, and spiritually fit. If your crew is not mentally fit, they will not perform as well as they can. Especially with the pandemic, mental health is a significant issue right now. All of our lives have been affected significantly—a work culture that focuses on mental wellness activities that employees can open up about their struggles.  

Dedicated Team for Implementation

A plan is as good as its implementation. On paper, you can cover all bases and have a stupendous plan. However, if you do not implement it well, it won’t make much of a difference. A dedicated team to oversee the implementation of your health and wellness program is essential. They can help you to know if the plan is working or not. You need someone to keep tabs on the plan and continuously make small changes to it to be successful.  


Health and wellness plans are tough to design. You need to consider numerous things while finalizing workplace health and wellness plan to ensure that you have gotten everything right. We hope that this article helps you with deciding upon a well-rounded wellness plan. 

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